advanced 5 paragraph paper

Posts on Fridays (Grades 6+)

Course Objective: To provide a final opportunity to write both 5 paragraph research and literary papers with independence and speed.

Course Description:  Students who have progressed through the first 3 courses in the 5 Paragraph Paper series have the opportunity to take a final course that will further challenge them to write excellent papers in both research and literary analysis, moving back and forth between the two types fluidly. At this point, students are expected to have a full understanding of thesis writing, introductions, conclusions, and everything in between. Focus will be on deepening content and producing well organized and comprehensive papers requiring less feedback.



Week 1:         Thesis 1: research paper

                        Rough Draft

Week 2:         Vocabulary & Revision

Week 3:         Thesis 2: theme

                        Rough Draft

Weeks 4:       Vocabulary & Revision

Week 5:         Thesis 3: research paper

                        Rough Draft

Week 6:         Vocabulary & Revision

Week 7:         Thesis 4: comparison 

                        Rough Draft

Week 8:         Vocabulary & Revision

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