5 Paragraph Paper: literary analysis I & II

Posts on Fridays (Grades 6+)

Course Objective: To provide a foundation in English paper analysis of theme and character comparison utilizing text excerpts.

Course Description:  Students will learn the fundamentals of writing literary analysis papers including theme and compare & contrast papers. Students will learn to use text excerpts to support their own insights as well as format citations. Students can write about a novel selection of their choosing or the instructor can suggest appropriate material. **Prerequisite: Writing the 5 Paragraph Paper.



Week 1:         Theme & using excerpts


Week 2:         Common errors 

                        Paper 1 outline

Week 3:         Paper 1 first draft

Week 4:         Paper 1 final draft

Week 5:         Compare & contrast papers

                        Titles & capitalization

                        Paper 2 outline

Week 6:         Revision techniques

                        Paper 2 first draft

Week 7:         Paper 2 final draft

Week 8:         Final revision of choice

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