High School poetry

Posts Tuesdays (Grades 9-12)

Course Objective: To foster an appreciation and understanding of poetic devices and introduce popular and classic poetry.

Course Description:  High school students often find poetry daunting and complex to understand, let alone write. In this course, students will be challenged to play with words and learn a variety of poetic forms from the inside out. By understanding how poetry is structured, they will be better able to analyze and write their own. It will be assumed that students understand syllabication and rhyme. Poetic forms taught will include sonnets, odes, villanelle, tanka, free verse, and more! Emphasis will be placed on creativity and adherence to structure … not perfection.



Week 1:         Poetry Review

                       Terza Rima

Week 2:         Rhythm


Week 3:         Tankas


Weeks 4:        Odes           

Week 5:          Free Verse                       

Week 6:          Ekphrastic Poetry

Week 7:          Villanelle Poems

                        Found Poems

Week 8:          Italian Sonnets

                        English Sonnets


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