Let's Write Cursive

Posts on Thursdays (Grades 3-12)

Course Objective: To teach letter formation of upper and lowercase cursive leter writing.

Course Description: Students will learn to form the lowercase letters followed by the uppercase letters over the course of 12 weeks by watching short video tutorials and then practicing the letters on provided worksheets to be printed at home. Students will submit their assigned worksheet and will receive feedback on what they are doing well in their letter writing and coaching on how to make the letters more accurate and neat when needed. Weeks 13-15 will focus on practical applications such as writing ones name in cursive, word, and sentence writing and culminating in a final assignment of writing a letter entirely in cursive. 




Week 1:         letters c, a, d, e

Week 2:         letters p, g, i, t

Week 3:         letters u, w, j, f

Week 4:         letters l, q, k, h

Week 5:         letters r, s, o, v

Week 6:         letters m, n, b, x

Week7:          letters y, z 

                       review of all lowercase

Week 8:         letters A, C, B, O, U, V

Week 9:         letters W, X, Y, Z, P, R

Week 10:       letters H, I, J, N, M, L

Week 11:       letters K, E, F, D, G, S

Week 12:       letters T, Q 

                      writing your name

Week 13:       writing short words 


Week 14:       writing sentences

Week 15:       capstone project



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