Textbooks or Digital?
The use of textbooks in classrooms is quickly becoming a thing of the past. Instead, in many classrooms, each child has their own laptop computer with digital textbooks downloaded. Pros…
The use of textbooks in classrooms is quickly becoming a thing of the past. Instead, in many classrooms, each child has their own laptop computer with digital textbooks downloaded. Pros…
I am a self-proclaimed wordsmith. I love words. I do. I'm a word-a-holic. I love the way a good word feels when it slips off my tongue. I love getting…
Before I began teaching writing, I was a writer. I was immersed daily in the lives of my characters and the world of shopping my manuscript. I was an active…
Here's my reading dilemma: Once I begin a book, I cannot stop - even if it is REALLY, REALLY bad!Does anyone else have this problem?Last night I got all the…
It’s an age old problem. It’s something that teachers and parents talk about until they are blue in the face. It’s the one thing that can make the difference between…
With college essays and SAT’s on the horizon, how can you help your teen prepare for writing timed persuasive essays using critical thinking skills?A big part of timed essays relies…
Yes, I know it is probably a bit odd to have a favorite punctuation mark. It's probably even stranger not to choose an illustrious piece of end punctuation. Nope. My…
Many children have difficulty spelling. But did you know that this spelling weakness can affect both the writers they are today as well as the writers they will eventually become?While…