Grammar III: Punctuation

Posts on Thursdays (Grades 5+)

Course Objective: To teach and encourage the proper use of a variety of punctuation forms.

Course Description:  This final class in the 3 part Grammar series offers instruction in punctuation usage and placement including commas, colons, semi-colons, dashes, hyphens, ellipses, and more! Emphasis will be placed not only on proper usage, but the importance of using a variety of punctuation to enliven writing and improve clarity.



Week 1:         Periods 



Week 2:         Commas

Week 3:         Question Marks 


Week 4:         Colons

Week 5:         Semi-Colons 

                       Exclamation Points

Week 6:         Hyphens

                       Quotation Marks

Week7:          Apostrophe


Week 8:         Ellipses

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