We want our writing classes to be convenient and useful to your family, helping you homeschool

and develop the best curriculum and schedule for your child as they progress through

the elementary grades and into high school and beyond! 

Carnegie Credit Breakdown

In an effort to help our homeschooling families best plan course schedules and meet graduation credit requirements, we have broken our high school appropriate courses into suggested Carnegie credit units, using the formula of 120 hours equal to 1 Carnegie Credit. The credit assignments reflect the amount of time expected to complete a given course.


Carnegie Credit


Writing the 5 Paragraph Paper I or II

High School Poetry


Journaling: The Writer's Voice

Business Writing

Sentence Diagramming I/II

Daily Writing I/II

Carnegie Credit


5 Paragraph Paper: Literary Analysis I or II

Rhetorical Analysis

Speech Writing

Essay Writing I or II

Cursive Writing

Carnegie Credit


Advanced 5 Paragraph Paper

Full Grammar Series Combined (I, II, & III)

One semester of Vocabulary

Any 3 Reading & Writing Workshops

High School Academic Papers I/II

Writing Workshop

Online Scribblers is an Approved Vendor with these Charter Schools:

Blue Ridge Academy

Compass Charter School

Cabrillo Point Academy

Excel Academy

Greater San Diego Academy

Granite Mountain Charter School

Heartland Charter School

Heartwood Academy

Heritage Peak Charter School

Horizon Charter School

iLead Exploration

iLead Hybrid

iLead Lancaster

Mission Vista Academy

Ocean Grove Charter School

Pacific Coast Academy

Rio Valley Charter School

Sky Mountain Charter School

South Sutter Charter School

Sutter Peak Charter School

Valley View Charter School


***All courses are non-religious/secular***

                                               © 2021 Online Scribblers

Business Writing

Business Writing