Paragraph Writing Basics

Posts on Mondays (Grades 3+)

Course Objective: To ensure a thorough understanding of the elements of a powerful and focused paragraph.                   

Course Description: Geared toward beginning or struggling writers, this class explores the fundamentals of a strong paragraph: proper sentence structure, topic and concluding sentences, supporting sentences, and organization. Use of transitions, formal language, vocabulary, and end of sentence punctuation will be emphasized.



Week 1:         Choosing a Single Main Idea

Week 2:         Introductory Sentences

Week 3:         Body Sentences

Week 4:         Closing Sentences

Week 5:         Paragraph Format


                                 End Punctuation


Week 6:         Paragraph Excellence




Week7:          Narrative Paragraph

                       Descriptive Paragraphs

Week 8:         Expository Paragraphs

                       Persuasive Paragraphs

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