Colons: My Favorite Mark of Punctuation

Yes, I know it is probably a bit odd to have a favorite punctuation mark. It’s probably even stranger not to choose an illustrious piece of end punctuation. Nope. My favorite appears in the middle of a sentence – or perhaps a bit toward the latter half. I just love well placed colons!

punctuation colons
I love punctuation (especially colons!)

The colon is like a red flag for the reader to pay close attention to the information coming. A colon is used for two purposes.

1.       It can be used before presenting a list in a sentence.

I like all Italian food: pasta, lasagna, and bruschetta.

2.       It can also be used after an independent clause to draw attention to information that comes after it and further explains it.

I like all Italian food: it reminds me of my grandmother.

A well placed colon packs a punch mid sentence and makes the reader stop and take notice. After all, isn’t it the writer’s job to make an impact on the reader? 

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