It can be challenging to get young kids writing. But the fact is, the sooner you make writing a regular part of your child’s life, the easier it will be to keep their pen to paper. These tips can help children as young as 4 and 5 make writing a happy habit!
10. Have little ones make birthday cards for friends and family and write their own message
9. Have little ones write captions on all of their drawings.
8. Enlist your little one’s help writing shopping lists.
7. Play rhyming games. Write a word in the center of a paper and take turns writing rhyming words all around it. The last one to think of a rhyme wins!
6. Find a fun book of children’s poems and have them copy the poem and illustrate it.
5. Begin swapping “mommy mail.” Leave notes for your little one at night and encourage them to leave replies for you.
4. Have your little one make a menu and serve snacks/ lunch to the family.
3. Have your little one write his/her own thank you notes for holidays, birthdays, and even outings with grand ma!
2. Begin keeping a weekly journal of special happenings.
1. Get a pen-pal…a cousin, a neighbor who moved out of state, or a school friend across town! Getting mail is fun for kids…and to get another letter, he’ll have to write his own!
Before you know it, your young kids will be writing up a storm!